How To Write a Good History Essay

The first thing we should do is to askourselves: What makes a good history essay? Most likely, no two people will completely agree, if only because of the fact that the quality of the essay can be seen in the eyes and speaks to the intellect that the reader. What follows ignores philosophical considerations and gives you practical advice on how to compose an essay that can get top marks.


The court witnesses swear to speak the truth in the totality of the matter and nothing less than the truth. Students of all subjects in history should swear a similar oath: to answer the questionin full, including the entire question , and not to leave out the question. That is the top rule. You can write beautifully and argue a case with plenty of convincing evidence however if you’re irrelevant, then you could be as if you were tinking at a cymbal. In other words, it is essential to think mindfully about what you’re asked to answer. Be sure to avoid the grave error committed by more weak students who, at the very least in the end, fail to answer the test the examiners should have set and, unfortunately, did not. Consider your time, pay attention carefully at the words used in the question, then make certain that you’ve thoroughly comprehended all the terms.

If, for example, it is asked why Hitler became the leader It is essential to know what the procedure of gaining power consisted of. Was there a specific event which demonstrates his emergence into the power? If you’re quick to savor his appointment as Chancellor contemplate carefully what power this post actually granted him.More Here history essay writer At our site Was the passing of the Enabling Act more important? Was it the time when the rise to power actually begin? Are you required to discuss Hitler’s birth and childhood as well as those who experienced hyperinflation in the first 1920s? If you are able to determine the years that are relevant and , therefore, irrelevant it is a an excellent start. In the next step, you’ll need to figure out the different factors that explain the rise of his popularity.

Or , if you’re being asked to discuss the success of a particular individual Don’t write the first thought that pops to mind. Take a look at the possibility of success. When you do this, you will naturally be faced with the dilemma of what constitutes’success’. What exactly does it mean? Does it refer to the accomplishment of an individual’s goal? Is it objective (a factual issue) or subjective (a point of view)? Do we have to consider longer-term as well as short-term achievements? If a person gains extraordinary luck, then is this still a successful event? In the process of tackling the issue of definition will allow you to create a list of achievements, and you can then elaborate on themby delving into their history along with a clear explanation of how they took place. Does there exist a defining commonality in the successful results? If so, that could represent the underlying theme of your reply.

The word that is most prominent in the preceding phrases is “to be thought of”. This should be distinguished from daydreaming, remembering and thinking in a haze. Thought is not a particularly pleasant exercise, which is why most of us strive to avoid it all the time. However, there’s nothing you can do in the event that you wish to receive top marks. So think as hard as you can about the meaning for the inquiry, the issues it raises and the possible ways to tackle it. You must think and think a lot – and then you should rethink seeking out any loopholes in your thinking. You will eventually get confused. Do not worry about it: confusion is generally a necessary phase in the achievement of clarity. If you’re completely lost then take a break. When you return at the same question, it may be that the problems have been resolved. If not, you should give yourself additional time. You may discover that decent ideas simply pop into your head at unintentional instances.

It is the Vital First Paragraph

Every aspect of an paper is crucial, but the introduction is the most important. This is the chance you’ll have to impress or even depress an examiner, and first impressions are often decisive. It is therefore advisable writing a striking opening sentence. (‘Start with an earthquake and build up to a point of climax, directed the filmmaker Cecil B. De Mille.) But it is important that you show your understanding of the questions. This is where you write your carefully contemplated definitions of crucial terms. Additionally, you outline the time-frame and issues – which is to say, the conditions of the question. You also divide the whole question into than manageable divisions, or smaller-sized questions, on the basis of which you’ll later write the length of a paragraph. You will formulate an argument or perhaps you speak up alternative lines of argument, that you’ll back up later in the essay. Therefore, the first paragraph and perhaps you’ll want to spread this opening paragraph into two paragraphs, is the main element to writing an effective essay.

If you read a solid first sentence, examiners will feel confident that its author is on the right path, being relevant thoughtful, analytical, and consistent. They’ll likely feel as if they are relieved that this is the case of a student at least who is avoiding the two traps that are common. First, you should avoid the question altogether. The second is writing an account of the events that occurred – usually beginning with the beginning of an individual’s life – but with no hope of answering the question in the final paragraph.

Middle Paragraphs

Philip Larkin once said that the modern novel consists of the beginning, followed by a mazeand an end. That’s, unfortunately quite true of many essays on history. If you’ve done a good opening section, in which you’ve divided the whole question into distinct easily manageable sections your essay will not be confused; it will be clear and coherent.

It should be obvious, from the middle paragraphs, the question you’re addressing. It’s even a good way to test the quality of an essay that the reader should be able to figure out the question, even if the title is omitted. So consider starting each middle paragraph will a generalisation that is relevant to the issue. After that, you can expand on this concept and prove it by providing evidence. You have to give a carefully considered choice of facts (i.e. facts and quotations) in support of the argument you’re presenting. You only have a limited amount of time or space take your time deciding the level of detail you will need. Some background topics can be summarised with generality; however, your top priorities require more enhancement. (Do not get caught up in the misguided applicants who unintentionally “go overboard” on aspects that aren’t important and then gloss over crucial ones.)

The regulations generally state that, during the A2 year, students must know the main theories of historians. Be sure to follow this advice. On the other hand it is important not to push historiography to the extreme, such that the past itself is insignificant. Particularly, do not fall into the false impression the only thing you need is the opinions of historians. In essays, students often make a generalisation, and then back by stating the opinion of a historian. considering that they’ve formulated an opinion based on the generalisation and the reasoning is circularand, consequently, useless and inconclusive. Furthermore, it assumes that historians are perfect and omniscient gods. Without a solid argument that supports your opinion in the manner that historians do, any generalisation is just an assertion. The middle paragraphs should be the focus to determine the substance of an essay, and you neglect this at your risk.

Last Paragraph

If you’ve been discussing a case in the body of an essay, you need to drive it home in the closing paragraph. If you’ve been examining several alternatives, now is the moment to make clear which one is right. In the middle of the paragraph, you are like a barrister making a case. In the final paragraph, you play the judge who summarizes and delivering the verdict.