
Modern Millwork Kitchen & Bath Studio proudly represents over 73 years of expertise in custom design, craftsmanship, and providing ease and convenience in installation. Since 1948, over 3,000 Modern Millwork projects have been installed in distinctive homes in New Jersey (NJ) Essex, Hudson, Morris, Union, Passaic, Bergen, Monmouth, Ocean, Mercer, Somerset, Sussex, Warren counties as well as in New York (NY) areas. We use state of the art technology and stay current by actively participating in the nationally recognized SEN Design Group and National Kitchen & Bath Association.

Showroom and Business Hours:
Mon-Fri    10 am- 4 pm     SAT     10 am- 3 pm     Also, by Appointment

624 Washington Avenue, Belleville, NJ | Phone: 973.759.5943 Fax: 973.759.8309

To join our mailing list you can email us at: info@modernmillwork.net.
NJ HIC REG #13VH00649500 | NJ CID REG #21JD00003300

Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design
